In larger tanks, powerheads (submersible pumps) are preferredĭiscus fish bought online can be added directly to a prepared tank. Water type: Soft, freshwater Tank size: Minimum 60 gallons (10 gallons per discus fish) Water temperature: 82–88☏ (28–31☌) Substrate: Sand, pebbles, rocks Tank setup: Plants, caves, driftwood Acidity: 6.0–7.0 pH Water hardness: 6–14 dGH Filter: Yes, discus fish produce a large amount of waste and stir up the substrate, so a sturdy filter is essential Plants: Yes, to circulate the water in the aquarium and ensure an adequate oxygen supply. The fish congregate close to fallen trees and branches near river banks in the wild, so in captivity, discus prefer stable environments. The discus fish inhabits the slow-moving rivers and lakes of the lowland Amazon basin. Captive discus fish have more vibrant colors when water parameters are well-maintained, even though the fish adapt better than wild species to water fluctuations.ĭecorate the discus fish’s tank with driftwood to replicate the fallen trees in branches found in the species’ native habitat.Īdvertisements Habitat and Tank Requirements This species is challenging to keep in a mixed-species tank due to the discus fish’s low pH, high mineral content, and warm temperature needs. The blue discus is native to the eastern Amazon basin, the green discus is native to the western Amazon basin, and the red discus is native to the Rio Negro area. The discus fish is native to the Amazon river in South America.

Patterned hybrids exist in captivity Diet: Omnivore Temperament: Intelligent, peaceful, shy Minimum tank size: 10 gallons per fish, or over 55 gallons for a group of six fish Temperature: 82–88☏ (28–31☌) pH: 6.0–7.0 Hardness: Soft water, 2–8 dGH Care level: Challenging, requires a higher temperature than many other species Breeding: Mouthbrooders Origin tarzoo (green discus) Common names Discus fish, pompadour fish, king of the aquarium Distribution: Amazon river basin, South America Size: 4.6–8 inches Life expectancy: 10–15 years in captivity Color: Wild discus fish are red, blue, or green, and other colors. Rotate their diet daily and only feed them what they can eat in two to three minutes, once or twice a day for best results.Advertisements Scientific name: Symphysodon aequifasciatus (blue discus or brown discus), S.

Beef heart is not harmful, but it is not a natural food for discus, which some hobbyists and breeders feed them. Both frozen and live foods should be given to the animals as treats or to encourage spawning. The majority of serious hobbyists keep their discus separate from other species.Īs omnivores, they will thrive on Shrimp Pellets, Aqueon Tropical Flakes, Color Flakes, Spirulina Flakes, Tropical Granules, and Algae Rounds. If the fish are unable to compete, they should be removed. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?ĭiscus are generally peaceful and calm fish, but because they are cichlids, they can be aggressive toward one another, particularly when they are attempting to pair off and spawn. The fry cannot be separated from their parents The fry consume the mucus of their parents. Before spawning, the pair will clean a flat surface, typically a broad leaf or the side of the aquarium. Spawning requires warm, soft, slightly acidic water. Overall, Discus fish are a popular and rewarding species for aquarium enthusiasts, known for their vibrant colors and peaceful temperament.ĭisk become somewhat regional while rearing it is ideal to raise a laid out pair, or keep a gathering of youthful Disk and permit them to coordinate themselves. They are also social animals and should be kept in groups of six or more to prevent stress and promote natural behavior.

They are also known for their unique body shape, which is thin and round like a disc.ĭiscus fish require a carefully maintained aquarium environment with a consistent temperature, pH level, and water quality. In addition to their stunning cobalt blue coloration, Discus fish also come in a variety of other colors, including red, yellow, orange, green, and brown. They are part of the Cichlidae family, which includes other popular aquarium fish like Angelfish and Oscars.

Discus fish are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their beautiful appearance and gentle temperament.ĭiscus fish are native to the Amazon River Basin in South America and are found in slow-moving, heavily vegetated waters. “Cobalt blue” is a term commonly used to describe a specific species of freshwater fish called the Discus fish, which is known for its striking, metallic blue coloration.